Hi Yogis!
Hope everyone is practicing happily and safely. Just touching base. As I hope most people know, I am not in Sri Lanka at the moment and will not be back until mid-year. I do not have dates confirmed but I do have plans. Big plans! These include a weekend practical workshop on basic anatomy for yoga, which I am really excited about. I know it will help everyone's practice and will give a boost to those who are thinking of becoming teachers themselves one day.
I am about to start a blog here in Australia: yogacafecanberra.blogspot.com.au. It will contain the most up to date articles. When I get advanced enough I plan to migrate everything onto a website, which should be soon! I did not want to create confusion about classes taking place in Canberra and ones here so decided to keep them separate for now.
Anyway, warm wishes to you all. If you want to be on an email list so that I can keep you updated of my movements (and you think you will not be checking this blog and are not on my email list already) then please send it to me at: samanthawhybrow@hotmail.com
With mettha,